Code |
Cours Name |
Start |
End |
City |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Dubai |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-30 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Dubai |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Amman |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Beirut |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-30 |
Beirut |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Beirut |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Amman |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Jeddah |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Jeddah |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Kuwait |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Kuwait |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Doha |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Doha |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-01-19 |
2025-01-23 |
Jeddah |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Roma |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
London |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Beijing |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Beijing |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Vienna |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-31 |
Los Angeles |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Madrid |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Amsterdam |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Geneva |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Boston |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Athens |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Roma |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-31 |
Barcelona |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Hong Kong |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Hong Kong |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Copenhagen |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Kuala Lumpur |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Barcelona |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-01-20 |
2025-01-24 |
Zurich |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Dubai |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Dubai |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Dubai |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Cairo |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Amman |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Amman |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Casablanca |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Riyadh |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Kuwait |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Marrakech |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-01-26 |
2025-01-30 |
Manama |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Prague |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Madrid |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Amsterdam |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Jakarta |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Munich |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Los Angeles |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-01-27 |
2025-02-07 |
Los Angeles |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Los Angeles |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-01-27 |
2025-02-07 |
Singapore |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Beijing |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Vienna |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Roma |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Washington |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Prague |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Jakarta |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
San Francisco |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
California |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Barcelona |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Milan |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Stockholm |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Toronto |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
San Francisco |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
San Francisco |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Lisbon |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-01-27 |
2025-01-31 |
Lisbon |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Dubai |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Dubai |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-13 |
Dubai |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Casablanca |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Doha |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Amman |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Jeddah |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Jeddah |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Kuwait |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Beirut |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-02-02 |
2025-02-06 |
Doha |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Dublin |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Kuala Lumpur |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Beijing |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Jakarta |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Jakarta |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Istanbul |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Singapore |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-14 |
Singapore |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Singapore |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Paris |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Munich |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Prague |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Berlin |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Dublin |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Barcelona |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Hong Kong |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Athens |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Amsterdam |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-02-03 |
2025-02-07 |
Lisbon |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Dubai |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Dubai |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-20 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Amman |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Alkhobar |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Jeddah |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Jeddah |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Marrakech |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Marrakech |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
Dubai |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-13 |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-02-09 |
2025-02-20 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Athens |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
London |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Paris |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Amsterdam |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Toronto |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-21 |
Sydney |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Jakarta |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Geneva |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Istanbul |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Dublin |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Copenhagen |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Athens |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Amsterdam |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Tbilisi |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
California |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Paris |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Cape Town |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Cape Town |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Cape Town |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Lisbon |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-10 |
2025-02-14 |
Lisbon |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Casablanca |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Manama |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Beirut |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Alkhobar |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Casablanca |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Jeddah |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Marrakech |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Dubai |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Amman |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-02-16 |
2025-02-20 |
Kuwait |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Washington |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Madrid |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Jakarta |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Amsterdam |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Geneva |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Amsterdam |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Sydney |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-28 |
Sydney |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Sydney |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Vienna |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Toronto |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Athens |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Washington |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
California |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
California |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Milan |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Florida |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Prague |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
Amsterdam |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-02-17 |
2025-02-21 |
San Francisco |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Dubai |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-02-23 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Casablanca |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Casablanca |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Manama |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Jeddah |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Kuwait |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Marrakech |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-02-23 |
2025-02-27 |
Riyadh |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Berlin |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Beijing |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Vienna |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Paris |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Stockholm |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Amsterdam |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Munich |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Washington |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Los Angeles |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Berlin |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Paris |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
California |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Tbilisi |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Athens |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Vienna |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-02-24 |
2025-02-28 |
Boston |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Dubai |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-13 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Amman |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-13 |
Cairo |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Casablanca |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-13 |
Riyadh |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Doha |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
Riyadh |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-03-02 |
2025-03-06 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Copenhagen |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Amsterdam |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Paris |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Munich |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Paris |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Geneva |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Boston |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Istanbul |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Stockholm |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Berlin |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Singapore |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Copenhagen |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Geneva |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Milan |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Berlin |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Hong Kong |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-03-03 |
2025-03-07 |
Zurich |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-03-17 |
2025-03-28 |
San Francisco |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-03-17 |
2025-03-28 |
Lisbon |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Toronto |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Beijing |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Paris |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Vienna |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Amsterdam |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Athens |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Athens |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Amsterdam |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Munich |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Istanbul |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Boston |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Toronto |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Paris |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Milan |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Istanbul |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Geneva |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-04-07 |
2025-04-11 |
Cape Town |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Beirut |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Casablanca |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Cairo |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-24 |
Cairo |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Cairo |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Beirut |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Alkhobar |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Riyadh |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-24 |
Riyadh |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Salalah |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-04-13 |
2025-04-17 |
Casablanca |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Jakarta |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Geneva |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Geneva |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Vienna |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Istanbul |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Roma |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-25 |
Kuala Lumpur |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Paris |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Toronto |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Boston |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Vienna |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Kuala Lumpur |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
London |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Stockholm |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Washington |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Washington |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Kuala Lumpur |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Prague |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
Cape Town |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-04-14 |
2025-04-18 |
San Francisco |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Alkhobar |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Manama |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Beirut |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Riyadh |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Jeddah |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Marrakech |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Alkhobar |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
Manama |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-04-20 |
2025-04-24 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Los Angeles |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Paris |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Vienna |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Vienna |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Munich |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Toronto |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Prague |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Kuala Lumpur |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-04-21 |
2025-05-02 |
Kuala Lumpur |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Kuala Lumpur |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-04-21 |
2025-05-02 |
London |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Geneva |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Roma |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Copenhagen |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Sydney |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Los Angeles |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Munich |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-04-21 |
2025-05-02 |
Barcelona |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Hong Kong |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Hong Kong |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Hong Kong |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Toronto |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Istanbul |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Berlin |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Sydney |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Cape Town |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Zurich |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-04-21 |
2025-04-25 |
Lisbon |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-01 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-01 |
Dubai |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-08 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-01 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-01 |
Dubai |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-01 |
Manama |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-01 |
Marrakech |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-01 |
Beirut |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-01 |
Amman |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-04-27 |
2025-05-01 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Singapore |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Amsterdam |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Geneva |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Munich |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Munich |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Istanbul |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Dublin |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
London |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-09 |
London |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
London |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-09 |
Madrid |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Vienna |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Stockholm |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Prague |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Los Angeles |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Singapore |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Istanbul |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Milan |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Hong Kong |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Paris |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Jakarta |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Zurich |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-04-28 |
2025-05-02 |
Lisbon |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Dubai |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-15 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Casablanca |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Alkhobar |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Alkhobar |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Manama |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Alkhobar |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Alkhobar |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-15 |
Amman |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Cairo |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Manama |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Riyadh |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Kuwait |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-15 |
Kuwait |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Kuwait |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-15 |
Kuwait |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Salalah |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Salalah |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-05-04 |
2025-05-08 |
Salalah |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Sydney |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Paris |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Vienna |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Munich |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Istanbul |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Toronto |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Istanbul |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Toronto |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Toronto |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Stockholm |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Boston |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Athens |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Washington |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Madrid |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Beijing |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-16 |
Madrid |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-16 |
Beijing |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Madrid |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Beijing |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-16 |
Beijing |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Munich |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Istanbul |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Boston |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Roma |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Dublin |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Athens |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Singapore |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Sydney |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Toronto |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
California |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Milan |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-16 |
Florida |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Beijing |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Munich |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
Dublin |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-05-05 |
2025-05-09 |
San Francisco |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Dubai |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-22 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Dubai |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Manama |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Manama |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Amman |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-22 |
Amman |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-22 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Amman |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Alkhobar |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Doha |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
Salalah |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-05-11 |
2025-05-15 |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Geneva |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Istanbul |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Stockholm |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Roma |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Berlin |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-23 |
Jakarta |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Toronto |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Prague |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Washington |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Sydney |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Kuala Lumpur |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Stockholm |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
California |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Barcelona |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Roma |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
Paris |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
San Francisco |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-05-12 |
2025-05-16 |
San Francisco |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-22 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-22 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-22 |
Doha |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-29 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-22 |
Beirut |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-22 |
Cairo |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-29 |
Jeddah |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-22 |
Kuwait |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-22 |
Salalah |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-05-18 |
2025-05-22 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Kuala Lumpur |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Istanbul |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Stockholm |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Roma |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Roma |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Prague |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Athens |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Los Angeles |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Amsterdam |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-30 |
Jakarta |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Amsterdam |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Boston |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Washington |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Beijing |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Kuala Lumpur |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Prague |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
California |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Florida |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Tbilisi |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Jakarta |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Cape Town |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
San Francisco |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
San Francisco |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-30 |
San Francisco |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-19 |
2025-05-23 |
Lisbon |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-25 |
2025-06-05 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Cairo |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Manama |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Beirut |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Jeddah |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Cairo |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Riyadh |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Riyadh |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Jeddah |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-05-25 |
2025-06-05 |
Jeddah |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Jeddah |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Doha |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-05-25 |
2025-05-29 |
Salalah |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Munich |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Boston |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Boston |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Roma |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Dublin |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-05-26 |
2025-06-06 |
Amsterdam |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Stockholm |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Athens |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Copenhagen |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Madrid |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Roma |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Barcelona |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Hong Kong |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Amsterdam |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Hong Kong |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
London |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-05-26 |
2025-05-30 |
Cape Town |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-06-01 |
2025-06-05 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-06-01 |
2025-06-05 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-01 |
2025-06-05 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-06-01 |
2025-06-05 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-06-01 |
2025-06-05 |
Alkhobar |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-01 |
2025-06-05 |
Manama |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-01 |
2025-06-05 |
Salalah |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-06-01 |
2025-06-12 |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Vienna |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Toronto |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Stockholm |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Stockholm |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Boston |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Prague |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Copenhagen |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Jakarta |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Jakarta |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Dublin |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Berlin |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
London |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Boston |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Boston |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
London |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-06-02 |
2025-06-06 |
Roma |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Alkhobar |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Casablanca |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Casablanca |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-19 |
Casablanca |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Amman |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Riyadh |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Doha |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
Marrakech |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-06-08 |
2025-06-12 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
London |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Toronto |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Boston |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Prague |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Prague |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Dublin |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Washington |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Singapore |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-20 |
Amsterdam |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Roma |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Los Angeles |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Kuala Lumpur |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
London |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Dublin |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
California |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Tbilisi |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Tbilisi |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Madrid |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Singapore |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Singapore |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-06-09 |
2025-06-13 |
Cape Town |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Dubai |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-26 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Manama |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Cairo |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-26 |
Casablanca |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Cairo |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Riyadh |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Riyadh |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Kuwait |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Salalah |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Marrakech |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-06-15 |
2025-06-19 |
Jeddah |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Madrid |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Roma |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Dublin |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Dublin |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Athens |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Paris |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-27 |
Paris |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Paris |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-27 |
Geneva |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-27 |
Paris |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Prague |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Kuala Lumpur |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Singapore |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
London |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Jakarta |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Madrid |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Athens |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Barcelona |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Hong Kong |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Vienna |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
London |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Madrid |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-06-16 |
2025-06-20 |
Cape Town |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Dubai |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Dubai |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Dubai |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Dubai |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Jeddah |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Kuwait |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Doha |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-06-22 |
2025-07-03 |
Marrakech |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-06-22 |
2025-06-26 |
Cairo |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Beijing |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Stockholm |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Prague |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Athens |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Athens |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Washington |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Kuala Lumpur |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Sydney |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Geneva |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-06-23 |
2025-07-04 |
Geneva |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Geneva |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-06-23 |
2025-07-04 |
Vienna |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Dublin |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
London |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Madrid |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Beijing |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Washington |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
California |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
California |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Barcelona |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Milan |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Hong Kong |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Paris |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Florida |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Vienna |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Cape Town |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Cape Town |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-06-23 |
2025-06-27 |
Zurich |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-10 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Amman |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Cairo |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Amman |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Cairo |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Riyadh |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Riyadh |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Kuwait |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Doha |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
Kuwait |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-06-29 |
2025-07-03 |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Boston |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Dublin |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Washington |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Washington |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
London |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Vienna |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-11 |
Vienna |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Vienna |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-11 |
Munich |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Athens |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Madrid |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Sydney |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Beijing |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Amsterdam |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
California |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
California |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Beijing |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Munich |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-11 |
Cape Town |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-06-30 |
2025-07-04 |
Zurich |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Dubai |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Dubai |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Cairo |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Cairo |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Amman |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Casablanca |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Riyadh |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Riyadh |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Kuwait |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-07-06 |
2025-07-10 |
Marrakech |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Jakarta |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Roma |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Athens |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Washington |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Kuala Lumpur |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Madrid |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Munich |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-18 |
Munich |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Munich |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-18 |
Istanbul |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Washington |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Beijing |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Jakarta |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Kuala Lumpur |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
California |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Hong Kong |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Geneva |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Prague |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Madrid |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Los Angeles |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-07-07 |
2025-07-11 |
Zurich |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Cairo |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Cairo |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Amman |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-24 |
Alkhobar |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Riyadh |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Riyadh |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Jeddah |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Jeddah |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Kuwait |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-07-13 |
2025-07-17 |
Salalah |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Prague |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Kuala Lumpur |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Kuala Lumpur |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
London |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Beijing |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Istanbul |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-25 |
Istanbul |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Istanbul |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-25 |
Toronto |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Jakarta |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Paris |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
London |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
California |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Milan |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Munich |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
California |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Boston |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Athens |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-25 |
Cape Town |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
San Francisco |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-07-14 |
2025-07-18 |
Lisbon |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Dubai |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-31 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Cairo |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Amman |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-31 |
Manama |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Cairo |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Alkhobar |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-31 |
Alkhobar |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Alkhobar |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Riyadh |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Riyadh |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Jeddah |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-07-20 |
2025-07-24 |
Cairo |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Amsterdam |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Dublin |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
London |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
London |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Madrid |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Kuala Lumpur |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Toronto |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-07-21 |
2025-08-01 |
Toronto |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Toronto |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Kuala Lumpur |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Jakarta |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Geneva |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Amsterdam |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Madrid |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Tbilisi |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Hong Kong |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Florida |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Geneva |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Copenhagen |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
San Francisco |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
San Francisco |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Zurich |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-07-21 |
2025-07-25 |
Lisbon |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Dubai |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Dubai |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Dubai |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Dubai |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Casablanca |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Manama |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-07-27 |
2025-08-07 |
Manama |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Manama |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Casablanca |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Jeddah |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Kuwait |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Kuwait |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-27 |
2025-07-31 |
Salalah |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Athens |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Kuala Lumpur |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Madrid |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Madrid |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Beijing |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Jakarta |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
London |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-08 |
Stockholm |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
London |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Kuala Lumpur |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Amsterdam |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Vienna |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Beijing |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Tbilisi |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Stockholm |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Berlin |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-07-28 |
2025-08-01 |
Dublin |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-14 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Doha |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Amman |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Casablanca |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Manama |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Amman |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Jeddah |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Kuwait |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Kuwait |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Doha |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Doha |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Casablanca |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-08-03 |
2025-08-07 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Paris |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Washington |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
London |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Beijing |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Beijing |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Madrid |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Stockholm |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-15 |
Stockholm |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Stockholm |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-15 |
Boston |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Madrid |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Amsterdam |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
London |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Munich |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Paris |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
California |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Hong Kong |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Milan |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Jakarta |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Cape Town |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Zurich |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Lisbon |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-08-04 |
2025-08-08 |
Lisbon |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Cairo |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Amman |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Amman |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Casablanca |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Riyadh |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Kuwait |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Kuwait |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Kuwait |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Marrakech |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Marrakech |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Casablanca |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Beirut |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-08-10 |
2025-08-14 |
Marrakech |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Geneva |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Madrid |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Jakarta |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Amsterdam |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Beijing |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Boston |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-22 |
Boston |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Boston |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-22 |
Roma |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Beijing |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Madrid |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Paris |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Istanbul |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Geneva |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Jakarta |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Barcelona |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Barcelona |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Barcelona |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Milan |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Washington |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Cape Town |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Cape Town |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
San Francisco |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
San Francisco |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-08-11 |
2025-08-15 |
Lisbon |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Casablanca |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Amman |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Amman |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Alkhobar |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Jeddah |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Jeddah |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Kuwait |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Doha |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-08-17 |
2025-08-21 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Vienna |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Kuala Lumpur |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Beijing |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Jakarta |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Jakarta |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Roma |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-29 |
Roma |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Roma |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-29 |
Prague |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Paris |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Beijing |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Geneva |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Toronto |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Vienna |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Tbilisi |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Tbilisi |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Madrid |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Milan |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-08-18 |
2025-08-22 |
Florida |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Dubai |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-08-24 |
2025-09-04 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Amman |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Amman |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Manama |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Jeddah |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Jeddah |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Doha |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Salalah |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
Kuwait |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-08-24 |
2025-08-28 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Munich |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
London |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Amsterdam |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Paris |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Jakarta |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Prague |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-08-25 |
2025-09-05 |
Prague |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Prague |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-08-25 |
2025-09-05 |
Dublin |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Jakarta |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Geneva |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Vienna |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Munich |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Amsterdam |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-08-25 |
2025-09-05 |
Milan |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Barcelona |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Tbilisi |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-08-25 |
2025-09-05 |
Tbilisi |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Hong Kong |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Jakarta |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Los Angeles |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
Copenhagen |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-08-25 |
2025-08-29 |
San Francisco |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-11 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-04 |
Casablanca |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-04 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-04 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-04 |
Casablanca |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-04 |
Jeddah |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-04 |
Jeddah |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-04 |
Salalah |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-04 |
Salalah |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-08-31 |
2025-09-04 |
Alkhobar |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Istanbul |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Madrid |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Jakarta |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Amsterdam |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Amsterdam |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Geneva |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Dublin |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-12 |
Dublin |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Dublin |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-12 |
Athens |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Vienna |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Jakarta |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Munich |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Stockholm |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Istanbul |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Milan |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
California |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Sydney |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
California |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Zurich |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Lisbon |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Lisbon |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Lisbon |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-09-01 |
2025-09-05 |
Lisbon |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Dubai |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Casablanca |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Casablanca |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Alkhobar |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Alkhobar |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Jeddah |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Jeddah |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Kuwait |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Salalah |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Marrakech |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
Alkhobar |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-09-07 |
2025-09-11 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Toronto |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Beijing |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Paris |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Vienna |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Amsterdam |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Athens |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-19 |
Athens |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Athens |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-19 |
Washington |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Amsterdam |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Munich |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Istanbul |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Boston |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Toronto |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Paris |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-19 |
California |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Milan |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Istanbul |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Geneva |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-09-08 |
2025-09-12 |
Cape Town |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-25 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Dubai |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Manama |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Amman |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Casablanca |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-25 |
Cairo |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-25 |
Cairo |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Casablanca |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Manama |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Alkhobar |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-25 |
Riyadh |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-25 |
Riyadh |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Salalah |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Marrakech |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Marrakech |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
Salalah |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-09-14 |
2025-09-18 |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Amsterdam |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Paris |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Paris |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Geneva |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Munich |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Washington |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-26 |
Washington |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Washington |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-26 |
Kuala Lumpur |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Istanbul |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Amsterdam |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Toronto |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Roma |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Geneva |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
California |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-26 |
California |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
California |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Barcelona |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Tbilisi |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Tbilisi |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Roma |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Milan |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-19 |
Geneva |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-15 |
2025-09-26 |
Lisbon |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Dubai |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-21 |
2025-10-02 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Casablanca |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Cairo |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Cairo |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Casablanca |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Manama |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Alkhobar |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Riyadh |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Riyadh |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Doha |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Salalah |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-09-21 |
2025-09-25 |
Casablanca |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Stockholm |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Jakarta |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Geneva |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Geneva |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Vienna |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Istanbul |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Paris |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-22 |
2025-10-03 |
Kuala Lumpur |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-09-22 |
2025-10-03 |
London |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Paris |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Toronto |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Prague |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Stockholm |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Vienna |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Tbilisi |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Hong Kong |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Sydney |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Istanbul |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Zurich |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-09-22 |
2025-09-26 |
Zurich |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-22 |
2025-10-03 |
Zurich |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
Alkhobar |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
Amman |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
Manama |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
Alkhobar |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
Marrakech |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-09-28 |
2025-10-02 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Boston |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Paris |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Vienna |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Vienna |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Munich |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Toronto |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Geneva |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Kuala Lumpur |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-10 |
London |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Kuala Lumpur |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-10 |
Madrid |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Geneva |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Paris |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Stockholm |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Dublin |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Boston |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Munich |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Barcelona |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Milan |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Sydney |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Boston |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Los Angeles |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Roma |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-09-29 |
2025-10-03 |
Cape Town |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Alkhobar |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Manama |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Manama |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Alkhobar |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Alkhobar |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Cairo |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Kuwait |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-16 |
Kuwait |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Salalah |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-16 |
Salalah |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Doha |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Amman |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
Manama |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-05 |
2025-10-09 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Roma |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Amsterdam |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Geneva |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Munich |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Munich |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Istanbul |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Vienna |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
London |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-17 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-17 |
Madrid |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
London |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-17 |
Beijing |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Vienna |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Toronto |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Stockholm |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Geneva |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Boston |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Athens |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Roma |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Istanbul |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Tbilisi |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Singapore |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-10 |
Zurich |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-10-06 |
2025-10-17 |
Zurich |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Dubai |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Casablanca |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Manama |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Amman |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-23 |
Amman |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Alkhobar |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-23 |
Kuwait |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Salalah |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Marrakech |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Riyadh |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-10-12 |
2025-10-16 |
Beirut |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Prague |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Athens |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Geneva |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Vienna |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Istanbul |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Istanbul |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Toronto |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Stockholm |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Roma |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Munich |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Istanbul |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Madrid |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-24 |
Beijing |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Madrid |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Munich |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Boston |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Vienna |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Istanbul |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Roma |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Washington |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Prague |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Athens |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Toronto |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
California |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Milan |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Barcelona |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Tbilisi |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Copenhagen |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
Cape Town |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-13 |
2025-10-17 |
San Francisco |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Alkhobar |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Manama |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-30 |
Amman |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Manama |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Riyadh |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Kuwait |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-10-19 |
2025-10-23 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Dublin |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Paris |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Munich |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Istanbul |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Toronto |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Toronto |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Stockholm |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Boston |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Toronto |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Beijing |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Beijing |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-31 |
Jakarta |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Istanbul |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Roma |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Prague |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Munich |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Prague |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Dublin |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Kuala Lumpur |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Dublin |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Stockholm |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Milan |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-31 |
Tbilisi |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Florida |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Dublin |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Barcelona |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Cape Town |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
San Francisco |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-10-20 |
2025-10-24 |
Zurich |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-10-26 |
2025-10-30 |
Alkhobar |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-26 |
2025-10-30 |
Alkhobar |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-10-26 |
2025-11-06 |
Dubai |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-10-26 |
2025-10-30 |
Manama |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-10-26 |
2025-11-06 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-26 |
2025-10-30 |
Manama |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-10-26 |
2025-11-06 |
Jeddah |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-10-26 |
2025-10-30 |
Jeddah |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-10-26 |
2025-10-30 |
Alkhobar |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Washington |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Vienna |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Toronto |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Stockholm |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Stockholm |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Boston |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Prague |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Jakarta |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-10-27 |
2025-11-07 |
Jakarta |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Jakarta |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Dublin |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Toronto |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Athens |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
London |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Washington |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Boston |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
California |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
California |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
California |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Milan |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Florida |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Toronto |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Kuala Lumpur |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
Kuala Lumpur |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-10-27 |
2025-10-31 |
San Francisco |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Jeddah |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Cairo |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Manama |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-13 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Manama |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Cairo |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Riyadh |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Riyadh |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Jeddah |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-13 |
Jeddah |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Jeddah |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Marrakech |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Doha |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
Doha |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-02 |
2025-11-06 |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Munich |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Boston |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Boston |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Roma |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Dublin |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Stockholm |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-14 |
Amsterdam |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Stockholm |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Athens |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Madrid |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Roma |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Milan |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Milan |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Vienna |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Beijing |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Cape Town |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-03 |
2025-11-07 |
Lisbon |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Dubai |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Dubai |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-20 |
Casablanca |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Cairo |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Riyadh |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Kuwait |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Marrakech |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Kuwait |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
Cairo |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-11-09 |
2025-11-13 |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Kuala Lumpur |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Istanbul |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Stockholm |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Roma |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Roma |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Prague |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Athens |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Boston |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Amsterdam |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-21 |
Amsterdam |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Amsterdam |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Boston |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Stockholm |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Beijing |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Kuala Lumpur |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Prague |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
California |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Tbilisi |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Washington |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Zurich |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Zurich |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-11-10 |
2025-11-14 |
Lisbon |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Alkhobar |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-27 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Dubai |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Dubai |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Casablanca |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-27 |
Casablanca |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Casablanca |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Amman |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Marrakech |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-11-16 |
2025-11-20 |
Jeddah |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
London |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Toronto |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Boston |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Prague |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Prague |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Dublin |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Washington |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Roma |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-28 |
Paris |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Roma |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Washington |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Berlin |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Boston |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Washington |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
London |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Dublin |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
California |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Milan |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Barcelona |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Florida |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Cape Town |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Zurich |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-17 |
2025-11-21 |
Lisbon |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-11-23 |
2025-12-04 |
Dubai |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-11-23 |
2025-11-27 |
Manama |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-11-23 |
2025-11-27 |
Doha |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-11-23 |
2025-11-27 |
Amman |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-11-23 |
2025-11-27 |
Manama |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-11-23 |
2025-11-27 |
Cairo |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-11-24 |
2025-12-05 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Madrid |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Roma |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Dublin |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Dublin |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Athens |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Berlin |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Prague |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Paris |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-11-24 |
2025-12-05 |
Paris |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Paris |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-11-24 |
2025-12-05 |
Geneva |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Prague |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Copenhagen |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Roma |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Kuala Lumpur |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
London |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Jakarta |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Madrid |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Athens |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Hong Kong |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Los Angeles |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
San Francisco |
635 |
Process Plant Start up and Commissioning |
2025-11-24 |
2025-11-28 |
Lisbon |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-30 |
2025-12-04 |
Doha |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-11-30 |
2025-12-04 |
Dubai |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-11-30 |
2025-12-04 |
Dubai |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-11-30 |
2025-12-04 |
Beirut |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-11-30 |
2025-12-04 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-11-30 |
2025-12-04 |
Jeddah |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-11-30 |
2025-12-04 |
Kuwait |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-11-30 |
2025-12-04 |
Kuwait |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Beijing |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Stockholm |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Prague |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Athens |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Athens |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Washington |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Copenhagen |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Dublin |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Geneva |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-12 |
Geneva |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Geneva |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-12 |
Vienna |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Dublin |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Prague |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Madrid |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Beijing |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Washington |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
California |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
California |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Hong Kong |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Hong Kong |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Berlin |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Barcelona |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Athens |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-12-01 |
2025-12-05 |
Milan |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
Dubai |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
Dubai |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
Dubai |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
Dubai |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
Amman |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
Beirut |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
Amman |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
Kuwait |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-07 |
2025-12-11 |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Boston |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Dublin |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Washington |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Berlin |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Athens |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Vienna |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-19 |
Vienna |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Vienna |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-19 |
Munich |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Athens |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Los Angeles |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Dublin |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Beijing |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Amsterdam |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Berlin |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
California |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
California |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Tbilisi |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Tbilisi |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-08 |
2025-12-12 |
Cape Town |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-12-14 |
2025-12-25 |
Dubai |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-14 |
2025-12-18 |
Dubai |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-12-14 |
2025-12-18 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-12-14 |
2025-12-18 |
Dubai |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-12-14 |
2025-12-18 |
Dubai |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-12-14 |
2025-12-18 |
Amman |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-12-14 |
2025-12-18 |
Casablanca |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-12-14 |
2025-12-18 |
Salalah |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-12-14 |
2025-12-18 |
Salalah |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Jakarta |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Roma |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Athens |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Berlin |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Washington |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Berlin |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Copenhagen |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Los Angeles |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Washington |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Munich |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-26 |
Munich |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Munich |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-26 |
Istanbul |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Washington |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Singapore |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Athens |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Jakarta |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Copenhagen |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
California |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
California |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Tbilisi |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-15 |
2025-12-19 |
Cape Town |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-12-21 |
2026-01-01 |
Alkhobar |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-12-21 |
2025-12-25 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-12-21 |
2025-12-25 |
Beirut |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-12-21 |
2025-12-25 |
Cairo |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-12-21 |
2025-12-25 |
Sharm El Sheikh |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-21 |
2025-12-25 |
Beirut |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-12-21 |
2025-12-25 |
Riyadh |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-12-21 |
2025-12-25 |
Jeddah |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-12-21 |
2025-12-25 |
Jeddah |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-12-21 |
2025-12-25 |
Marrakech |
28 |
Heat Transfer: Augmentation Techniques in the Process Industry |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Prague |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Washington |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Copenhagen |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Copenhagen |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Singapore |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Istanbul |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-12-22 |
2026-01-02 |
Istanbul |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Istanbul |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-12-22 |
2026-01-02 |
Toronto |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Berlin |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Washington |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Jakarta |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Paris |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
California |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
California |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Barcelona |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Barcelona |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Barcelona |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Barcelona |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Hong Kong |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-12-22 |
2026-01-02 |
Florida |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
San Francisco |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Zurich |
31 |
Fluid Flow Control in the Process Industry |
2025-12-22 |
2025-12-26 |
Zurich |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-08 |
Dubai |
15 |
Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Manama |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Dubai |
364 |
Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Casablanca |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Cairo |
401 |
Welding Technology: Welding, Fabrication and Inspection (AWS, ASME and API Codes) |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Amman |
418 |
Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Manama |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Alkhobar |
398 |
UPS Systems & Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Riyadh |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Kuwait |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-08 |
Salalah |
773 |
Power System Protection |
2025-12-28 |
2026-01-01 |
Jeddah |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Beijing |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Kuala Lumpur |
235 |
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers & Technologists |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Kuala Lumpur |
236 |
Advanced Vibration Analysis |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
London |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Washington |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-09 |
Washington |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Washington |
391 |
PLC & SCADA Systems and Leadership Skills |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-09 |
Berlin |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Amsterdam |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Toronto |
416 |
Design, Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Concrete Structure In Petrochemical Plants |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Roma |
524 |
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
London |
380 |
Advanced UPS System & Battery Chargers |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
California |
385 |
Power Stability Control and Interpersonal Skills |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-09 |
California |
386 |
Advanced HVAC Design, Maintenance & Operation Techniques |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
California |
403 |
LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Barcelona |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Cyprus (Larnaka) |
238 |
Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Florida |
771 |
Load Forecasting and System Upgrade |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Dublin |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Toronto |
774 |
Power Quality and Reliability |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Stockholm |
772 |
Power Distribution Equipment |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
San Francisco |
411 |
Storm Water Drainage Study and Design |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Zurich |
33 |
Welding Technology |
2025-12-29 |
2026-01-02 |
Lisbon |