البرامج والدورات الأمنية والسياسية
المهام التقنية المتقدمة لمفتش الأمن
Hotel Name
اضغط هنا للاطلاع
20 أبريل 25 : 01 مايو 25
50 ساعة
5250 USD
نعتذر عن أي مشكلة قد تواجهها أثناء استخدام الموقع حيث إنه قيد التحديث حاليًا.
البرامج والدورات الأمنية والسياسية
المهام التقنية المتقدمة لمفتش الأمن
Hotel Name
اضغط هنا للاطلاع
20 أبريل 25 : 01 مايو 25
50 ساعة
5250 USD
تفاصيل الدورة
تفاصيل الدورة التدريبية
يلبي البرنامج التدريبي احتياجات العمل والتطوير والتأهيل في المؤسسة الأمنية ، وقد جري توخي أن تكون المساقات شاملة لكافة النواحي المتعلقة بالتأهيل العلمي والمهني والعملي التطبيقي بهدف رفع الكفاءة العلمية والعملية، وزيادة خبرة العاملين في هذا المجال، وتغيير وتطوير المفاهيم والوسائل المتعلقة بالعمل الأمني، وتزويد المشاركين في البرنامج بآخر المعارف والخبرات والتجارب والمهارات العصرية، التي تجعلهم قادرين على التعامل مع العملية الأمنية الشاملة و النوعية والحساسة بكل جدارة واقتدار، و ليكونوا نماذج تحتذى ، يتفوقون على ذاتهم باستمرار، ويؤدون واجبهم بكل أمانة وإخلاص، ويحققون ما ينتظره منهم لحفظ الأمن والاستقرار .
يهدف البرنامج إلى تأهيل وتطوير الكوادر الأمنية من خلال تزويدهم بالمعارف والمهارات الحديثة اللازمة لتعزيز الأمن والاستقرار، بما يساهم في تمكينهم من أداء مهامهم بمهنية واحترافية عالية، ويُساعد في تطوير المؤسسات الأمنية لمواجهة التحديات المعاصرة.
Day 1 - Asset Cost Management Introduction
Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices are critical for every successful individual and company. This workshop delivers many practical and new Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices concepts and tools. You will discuss these concepts and practice using practical tools in case studies and discussion groups. The costs associated with equipment downtime and reduced production can be significant. Learning how to effectively manage all aspects of your industrial facility is a must.This workshop is a combination of instructor lead topic areas and class discussions. Interactive discussions will allow you to hear and learn best in class applications relating to maintenance planning and cost management strategies. You will have the opportunity to ask lots of questions in order to consider how best to apply these tools and techniques in your organization.
Day 2 - Laying the Groundwork
Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices are critical for every successful individual and company. This workshop delivers many practical and new Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices concepts and tools. You will discuss these concepts and practice using practical tools in case studies and discussion groups. The costs associated with equipment downtime and reduced production can be significant. Learning how to effectively manage all aspects of your industrial facility is a must.This workshop is a combination of instructor lead topic areas and class discussions. Interactive discussions will allow you to hear and learn best in class applications relating to maintenance planning and cost management strategies. You will have the opportunity to ask lots of questions in order to consider how best to apply these tools and techniques in your organization.
Day 3 - Applying the Value based Process
Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices are critical for every successful individual and company. This workshop delivers many practical and new Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices concepts and tools. You will discuss these concepts and practice using practical tools in case studies and discussion groups. The costs associated with equipment downtime and reduced production can be significant. Learning how to effectively manage all aspects of your industrial facility is a must.This workshop is a combination of instructor lead topic areas and class discussions. Interactive discussions will allow you to hear and learn best in class applications relating to maintenance planning and cost management strategies. You will have the opportunity to ask lots of questions in order to consider how best to apply these tools and techniques in your organization.
Day 4 - Ensuring the Continuity of the Value-based Process
Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices are critical for every successful individual and company. This workshop delivers many practical and new Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices concepts and tools. You will discuss these concepts and practice using practical tools in case studies and discussion groups. The costs associated with equipment downtime and reduced production can be significant. Learning how to effectively manage all aspects of your industrial facility is a must.This workshop is a combination of instructor lead topic areas and class discussions. Interactive discussions will allow you to hear and learn best in class applications relating to maintenance planning and cost management strategies. You will have the opportunity to ask lots of questions in order to consider how best to apply these tools and techniques in your organization.
خيارات الدورة