About the Course:
Modern Maintenance Technologies provides all the delegates great opportunities to optimise the performance of their systems and equipment to achieve maximum return on investment (ROI). By reducing costs and downtime, while achieving high levels of safety and quality.
However, with the rapid pace of change in maintenance, and the emergence of many new concepts, methods and technologies, it is often difficult for managers with maintenance responsibilities to judge which of these new technologies are most appropriate to their specific needs, and which will provide them with the greatest benefits in practice.
This course provides an overview of a number of Modern Maintenance Technologies associated with equipment, systems, people and management. It describes both the background to each technology, and its practical application to achieve the best bottom-line results.
The course looks at which areas of the maintenance manager’s responsibilities will benefit from individual technologies. It also shows how they can be integrated to support each other, how to choose an appropriate selection of technologies, and how to develop an action plan for their implementation.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, participants will learn how:
- To apply the appropriate Modern Maintenance Technologies
- Each of these technologies contributes to maintenance efficiency
- These technologies can interact with and support each other
- To achieve the best results in practicing these technologies
- To develop an action plan to utilise these technologies in their own areas of responsibility, fitting them into the overall maintenance strategy, and measuring benefits
Designed For:
- Supervisors, Team Leaders and Professionals in Maintenance, Engineering and Production
- Anyone who wishes to update themselves on Modern Maintenance Technologies, judge the suitability of these technologies for their needs, and learn how to implement them for the benefit of their organisations
Training Methodology
The course will be conducted along workshop principles with formal lectures, case studies and interactive practical exercises. There will be many opportunities for discussion and sharing experiences.
Course Outline
Introduction & Overview: challenging the traditional approaches to maintenance
- The road to Asset Management
- Cost/benefit decisions: spending the right amount of maintenance
- Using Decision Support Tools in finding the right amount of maintenance
Risk Based Maintenance (RBM)
- Understanding risk
- The seven steps of Risk Based Maintenance (RBM)
- Failure Mode Effect & Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- -Failure patterns
- Choosing the appropriate maintenance task
- The role of operators: Autonomous Maintenance
- Finding root causes to improve maintenance
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Maintenance Assessments & Benchmarking
- Process audits
- Where are we now – benchmarking & assessments
- What to improve – goal setting
- Developing an improvement action plan and fitting in modern maintenance technologies
- Monitoring and communicating results
Performance Management & Implementation aspects
- Continuous improvement
- Performance management: behaviour of people
- Implementation aspects
- Action plan
- Wrap up