Information security, from an academic point of view, is the science that looks into the theories and strategies of providing protection to information from the risks that threaten them and from attacking activities. From technical point of view, information security is the means, tools and procedures needed to assure the information security from internal and external threats.
From legal point of view, information security is field of researches, procedures for protection of the confidentiality, content safety and the availability of information and fighting the offensive activities or using information systems in criminal act, which is the purpose of legislations of information protection from unlawful and illegal Acts that targeting information and their systems (computer and internet crimes).
Course outline:
- Introducing the value of information, their systems, means and tools. And the fundamentals of information security through the development of processing , storage and transferring systems.
- To define the risks those threaten information, computer and network systems.
- To define the forms of attacking on information and the emerging types of computer, internet and telecommunications crimes.
- To define the technical, organizational and legal strategies for information protection taking into consideration the special needs for each company.
- To introduce the international and regional trends of information protection in both regulatory and legal aspects.
- To examine the Arabic administrative and legal systems and their capacity to protect information.
- Secure Electronic Transactions- SET.
- Hacking.
- Hackers and crackers.
- Hacking methods for professionals
- Detailed explanation about the new methods of Hacking.
- Protection softwares , types and their importance .
- Cases study
- Workshops.
- Evaluating and conclude the course.